He continues to be defiant even after offering an apology of sorts to the offended Sandra Fluke.
Much has been written about the sponsors who are dropping from his show and with much gleefulness to the point many are wetting themselves over the prospect old Rush will be leaving and falling into the great abyss of broadcast nothingness.
His reaction to the exiting advertisers in a transcript from his show on Monday reads in part, The left, folks -- the media -- are giddy that some advertisers have said they're leaving the program. And I'm sorry to see 'em go. They have profited handsomely from you. These advertisers who have split the scene have done very well due to their access to you, my audience, from this program. To offer their products and services to you through this venue is the best opportunity that they have ever had to advertise their wares. Now they've chosen to deny themselves that access, and that's a business decision, and it's theirs alone to make.
For me, this program is always about you. You talk to anybody that knows me who asks me about this program, and I always say, "It's all for the audience," because if you're not there, all the rest of this is academic. This show is about you. It's not about the advertisers. I knew the political inclinations of these people. They didn't care when they were profiting -- and I didn't, either. Everybody's able to put these things aside for the sake of mutual beneficial business activity. No radio broadcast will succeed by putting business ahead of the needs of its loyal audience, and that audience is you. My success has come from you. My focus has always been, and always will be, on you.
So let me do this once more, and then we're not gonna do it again. I should not have used the language I did about Sandra Fluke. It was wrong and, despite all the theories, my apology to her was for simply using inappropriate words.
Believe me for as the ones which are dropping and running, there will be equally more waiting to come on board once all this dies down. Even as this post is being written (Monday evening) some radio stations are dropping his show according to reports.
“The most recent incident has crossed a line of decency and a standard that we expect of programming on KPUA whether it is locally produced or a syndicated program like the Rush Limbaugh show,” KPUA president Chris Leonard said in a statement. “…Regardless of one’s political views on the issue being discussed, we feel the delivery was degrading and the continued comments over several days to be egregious. As a result, we are discontinuing the Rush Limbaugh program on KPUA effective immediately.”
WBEC general manager Peter Barry told a local public radio station that Limbaugh had crossed his boundaries.
“The nature of Rush’s programming has always presented challenges for us and he’s always pushed the envelope,” he said. “But this time he’s taken it too far.”
Don't let them kid you folks, while they and possibly others in the next day or two will sound pious in their decision to no longer host Limbaugh on their airwaves, a good many of the 600 plus stations which carry his program will hang in their because Rush means revenue particularly to small and medium size markets and would be hard pressed to find a substitute program to fill the ratings and ad revenue maker which he is.
Rush is correct when he talks about "it's a business decision". For many radio stations in markets which I mentioned it's do or die as far as the bottom line on the spreadsheets is concerned. For those who might say I don't know what I'm talking about you need only read my "bio" at the top of this blog.
As one of my cuz'ins always says "this too shall pass".
After all, and without cheating and looking it up, how many of you can remember why Rick Sanchez was dropped by CNN. And don't believe all the left-wing media/blog crap either.