Wednesday, February 27, 2013

LGBT Seniors Lost In Phoenix Policy

LGBTs in Phoenix, AZ are hailing an amendment to its discrimination law which will now include LGBTs.

According to an article in The Arizona Republic newspaper after five hours of often heated testimony on Tuesday the City Council voted 5 - 3 to extend it policy against discrimination to include sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.

The amendment which was championed by Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton will include housing, public accommodations such as hotels and restaurants and also employment. Those who break the policy face a misdemeanor fine of $2500.

But there are still exemptions such as religious organizations, small private landlords, private clubs and senior housing.

Religious groups will still be able to keep LGBTs out of housing run by the groups and although not specifically stated in the article so too one would imagine facilities and complexes for senior housing.

Currently the excemption for senior housing relates to age requirements however who is to say at some point (if it hasn't been done already) a facility for senior living such as retirement homes or retirement complexes including mobile home parks won't try to discriminate against LGBTs when they try to purchase or rent a retirement unit or after the fact by property committees and rules.

So it would seem that Phoenix LGBT seniors may have to continue to hide or go back in the closet.

Those hailing the news today should not stop their fight until their LGBT seniors are included in this non-discrimination amendment.

For they too will be seniors one day.

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