Must be a perv right ? Wrong !
According to the news website AZFamily.com a Scottsdale man was told to leave the children's section by the manager after a busybody woman claimed it made her nervous because there was an older man with no children sitting on the floor in the children's book section of the Barnes & Noble store in Scottsdale, AZ.
The man, a doctor no less, Omar Amin who was in the store shopping and looking for books for his grandchildren said he was a victim of gender bias.
"This is an insult to all men not just to me," said Amin. "I left the store I was upset like hell because I've been so insulted and humiliated in public for the charge of being a man." told AZFamily.com .
Barnes and Noble released a statement from Mark Bottini, vice president and director of stores, "We want to apologize to Dr. Amin for a situation in which Dr. Amin was asked to leave the children's section of our Scottsdale, Arizona store. We should not have done so. It is not our policy to ask customers to leave any section of our stores without justification."
Not satisfied with the statement Amin wants an apology from the store manager who told him to leave and has to do it in person, in the store, in public and on camera, and if he doesn't he may take Barnes & Noble to court.
Good for him ! And this isn't just about gender in my opinion but age bias too.
After all when we think of pervs what image most times pops into one's head. "The dirty old man".
Even though Amin says if he takes Barnes and Noble to court it will be about the apology not money, frankly I think it should be about money also. And he should sue the woman and/or get an apology from her too.
I could just see this happening to me, being in the store looking for children's books for my "grand cuz'ins" by myself and some loon busybody thinking "must be up to no good".
And where will be all the outrage from those who shout, protest and get consternated when there is bias against gays, bis, lesbians and the Ts.
Sorry there won't be any for you Dr. Amin as you are just a heterosexual and don't fall into the select guidelines of gender bias outrage.