Sunday, September 2, 2012

Michelangelo Signorile Cub Reporter

Mikey Signorile alleged ace mic-mouth and journalist took some time out during the Republican convention to do a poor and insulting "journalistic" Mike Wallace style ambush of Ill-R Congressman Aaron Schock.

Signorile tweeted that he asked Schock if he is gay and according to cub reporter Signorile, Schock's response to the question "was ridiculous and inappropriate" and when "storming off" said he was not.

Of course Mikey defends asking the question "because there have been rumors reported in the media".

Yep this makes for great journalism these days. Of course we have to take Mikey's word for it that this conversation even took place.

Too bad the Congressman left before Mikey was able to do a follow up question which I'm sure would have been, " so Congressman how big is your cock".

Yep this is what passes for journalism in the world of gay dumb and some folks are stupid enough to pay to get it by subscribing to SAT-Radio.

You'd expect this on the Howard Stern show but from someone who is supposed to be one of LGBT's shining stars of the spoken word and print is quite simply a pathetic attempt to embarrass "an opponent" of LGBTs and to pad Mikey's 15 minutes of fame and fortune.
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